Invest In Your LIFESTYLE
Welcome to IMD-Lifestyle
Online coaching Den Bosch
Have you been doing the same workouts for a while and just not making any new progress? Our online coaches will guide you to the best version of yourself, whether you want to gain muscle mass, get stronger or just feel better about yourself. With us you get a personal coaching program tailored to your goals and level, whether you are a beginner or more experienced, our programs grow with you!
At IMD-lifestyle, Inspiration, Motivation and Dedication are key. Our online coaches provide personal contact and help you achieve results quickly. Whether you get started yourself with our workout app and pick/create your own schedules or choose a personal online coach to update your schedule weekly, we are here to guide you. Get started on your transformation today!
Welkom bij IMD-Lifestyle Den Bosch! Wij begeleiden je naar de beste versie van jezelf, of je nu spiermassa wilt opbouwen, sterker wilt worden, of gewoon lekkerder in je vel wilt zitten. Onze trainers bieden maatwerkprogramma’s voor zowel beginners als gevorderden.
Met onze kernwaarden – Inspiratie, Motivatie en Dedicatie – zorgen we voor persoonlijke begeleiding en snelle resultaten. Of je wilt afvallen, spiermassa opbouwen of je records verbeteren, wij staan klaar om je te helpen.
Ben je klaar voor verandering? Start jouw transformatie bij IMD-Lifestyle Den Bosch!

Benefits Online coaching Den Bosch
Maximize your progress
Experience optimal progress with a personal training schedule that fits you perfectly. Watch yourself make great strides!
Ask Your Questions on Location
Schedule an appointment at our club in Den Bosch or stop by for personal advice from our trainers. We keep online coaching as personal as possible and like to watch with you!
Registering Exercises, Progress and Nutrition
Easily track your progress through our training app, so you can train effectively and keep your results insightful. We'll be watching with you!
Our Own Community
Join our exclusive online training group, where we share knowledge and motivate each other to achieve our goals!
⇒ Maximize your progress
⇒ Stel je vragen op locatie
⇒ Oefeningen, vooruitgang en voeding registreren
⇒ Onze eigen community

5 Step-by-step plan Online coaching Den Bosch

Contact form
Please fill out the contact form, with this information we will contact you and briefly discuss what we can do for you.
Intake form
If interested, please fill out our questionnaire so we can get a good idea of your current experience and the challenges you face.
Personal training schedule
We create a customized training program that perfectly matches your goals. accurately tracks your progress in the app.
Use our app
Track your workouts and no feedback on intensity. Based on this, we will set the weight and exercises for next week for you.
Schedule a 30- or 60-minute online/physical moment every month to discuss your progress and for any adjustments to your training program.

Our prices Online coaching Den Bosch

Per month
€ 20,-
Access to fitness app
Access to community
Make an appointment
- Train with community
- Personal Training
- Body Measurement
- Personal meal plan
- Personal Training Schedule
Cancelable monthly
after 3 months

Per month
€ 60,-
Access to fitness app
Access to community
Make an appointment
- Train with community
- 30 min p/m pers. contact
- Personal Training Schedule
Max. 3 dagen p/w - Meal schedule
- Whatsapp contact
Access to fitness app
- 30 min p/m pers. contact
- Personal Training Schedule
Maximum 3 days - Meal schedule
- Whatsapp contact
Cancelable monthly
after 3 months

Per month
€ 110,-
Access to fitness app
Access to community
Make an appointment
- Train with community
- 60 min p/m pers. contact
- Personal Training Schedule
Updated weekly - Meal schedule
- Whatsapp contact
Access to fitness app
- 60 min p/m pers. contact
- Personal Training Schedule
Updated weekly - Meal schedule
- Whatsapp contact